Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Ironman Wisconsin 2014 Race Report

Sept 7, 2014
Time: 11:01:57
AG Place 11 of 210 finishers (227 starters)
Overall Place 217 of about 2800

Race for Tim

In this essay, I will not shy from talking about the effect Timothy had on my race, but I will not talk about what Timothy meant to me and still does.  I do not have the words for that.  I had a lot of time to think about him and the rest of my family while training, and perhaps that was at times a refuge.
This is the story of how I tried to approach things this summer and on the day, honoring his memory and what he stood for.


It is surprise to no one reading this that this was not a normal training year. 

Timothy’s death at the end of June while training on the bike was life-changing.  But this was already an unusual year from the perspective of triathlon training.  Over the winter, I would normally have worked hard on building bike and run speed, but this winter I spent getting ready to run the Boston Marathon in an attempt at a PR time.  As such, I spent minimal time on the bike and none swimming. I had a small injury shortly before Boston, and gambled during the race that I was still in top shape.  While I got a modest PR despite going out what turned out to be too fast, the last 10 miles of the race were difficult and it took me most of a month (i.e., until about May 20) before I was really back in training shape.

My original plan had been to be very bike focused for roughly mid-May through mid-July. Even as I dropped into the meat of my Endurance Nation race specific plan, I planned to mentally focus on the bike and simply maintain the run.  For the swim, I would try to do well through some frequency, but I was not going to overtrain the swim at the expense of the bike.  In June, I was doing an FTP ride, a 110% FTP ride, and a long ride.  In this, and most of what I was doing, I got guidance from the EN crew, and Patrick McCrann in particular. 

After Boston, I was starting from pretty much ground zero, FTP-wise, about 225 W, somewhere around 3.3 W/kg.  By the time of Timothy’s accident, I had gotten in better bike shape, but not dramatically improved the outdoor FTP.  I had expected that would come in the next few weeks.
After the accident, many things were hard.  Aside from the psychological difficulties of training, I had difficulties that I am convinced were physiological.  On the bike (and swimming), it was as if I had a “governor” that put an upper limit on how hard I could go no matter hard I tried.  On the bike, that was between 200 and 225 watts. On the run, the perceived exertion going fast was completely disproportionate.  My heart rate would skyrocket when running fast at all.  I simply could not do things that I normally might have.

As I gradually decided that I would continue training for Ironman, I made a few decisions, all of which had a common theme of working at above race effort but below the usual “hard” levels that were giving me trouble.

  • Swimming: I would do more kicking (with a snorkel, not a board) than I have previously because I thought it was helping my body position.  I found that pulling with a parachute once or twice a week was a great way to get in work that was harder than race pace, but not as stressful (and difficult) as threshold sets.
  • Running: At first I was simply forced to just “put in the time”.  My easy pace is a bit faster than it might be according to the VDOT performance charts.  Until the ability to run fast came back, I would do everything by perceived exertion. “Fast” would just mean “feels like fast”, not “actually fast”. 
  • Biking: I did a lot of cycling in the basement.  I did a couple of 5-hour trainer rides because I just felt more comfortable there for a while. But long bike rides in the basement do lend themselves to sustained moderate power efforts.

In July, we also needed to focus on one another as a family, and that meant me not taking 6 hour training days.  I had a total of two 5-hour rides in July, but I did get in a couple of weeks with two long runs of 2 hours or more to try to build up durability in a more time-efficient manner.
In August, I was doing better physically, but it was too late to build up any speed; it was all going to have to be about taking whatever speed I had and stretching it.  I was back on track with the normal training pattern (typical week of Thursday long run, Saturday long ride, Sunday medium ride).  I already knew my bike wattage target for the race would have to be no more than 160 W normalized power. Four weeks out, I did a 3-day volume weekend (two long rides followed by a long run), and I hit long rides of 120 miles three weekends in a row.  On each of the long rides (except a race rehearsal), I focused on riding 10-20 watts higher than goal wattage for long periods, knowing I was just trying to salvage things and make my race ride “easy”.  My long runs topped out at 2.5 hours for 18 miles.  Fortunately, my ability to run fast gradually returned and I felt much better about that.

And then it was time to taper.  Doing a last long ride (120 miles) two weeks out was scary, but it was what the plan called for. This one was “trust the plan.”

In the meantime, I spent a lot of effort trying to figure out how to squeeze every bit of speed out of my very modest wattage.  I tweaked my fit a bit to get as aggressive as I could and I trained to be a bit uncomfortable.  (I have about 15 cm drop and ride 165 mm cranks.) I changed where my water bottle was, and I spent time thinking about biking technique, as you might do for swimming.  (I kept thinking to myself how T would play keeper in soccer… taking advantage of what he could do well and just sticking with it….trying new things when warranted, but above all trying to be smart.)  How much difference all this made, I do not know exactly, but I ended up with an ok bike split despite poor strength.

Race Plan 

Above all, I wanted to race “smart”, and I realized this meant conservatively. 

My swims in the pool had been going well.  If I just swam straight and kept my head together, it would take care of itself.

On the bike, I would hold a strict 160 W NP, which is 71% of 225 W.  I knew that with this relatively low power and this hilly course, my VI would be higher than it should be, but I hoped to keep it to 1.05-1.06.  I had learned that to complete a 6 hour ride and not feel dehydrated at the end, I needed to consume 2.0-2.5 quarts of fluid per hour.  On race day, I needed to get 2 bottles at every aid station (roughly 20 oz per bottle, and roughly every 45 minutes).  I was willing to give up a bit of time not to ever miss getting two bottles at the exchanges.

Each 20 oz bottle of Perform contains roughly 175 calories, so drinking almost entirely Perform would cover my caloric needs.  I would bring one Clif bar to snack from if I really felt the need to chew, but I usually don’t.

I was not as confident about how things would go this time as in past years.  Neglecting some kind of minor disaster, I knew I should be in the 6 hour neighborhood or maybe a bit faster, given my two previous performances of 2:45-2:48 at higher power.  To this end, the only serious plan I had for the run was to take the run as easy as I could for as long as I could.  My “ideal goal” was about a 3:45 marathon (a bit slower than 8:30 pace; my last two open marathons were slightly under 3:15).  That was facing the cold, hard reality that no superhuman marathons were going to come this time.
I was prepared to “run easy”, no matter what that pace was for the first half of the marathon.  Nutrition from the caloric perspective on the run is easy.  I decided that the MAJOR thing was keeping hydrated.  I did not want to walk, but I was willing to stop and/or walk briefly to get in at least 8 oz average per mile.  That is almost 2 quarts per hour, but if I am already slightly dehydrated, I did not want THAT to be my downfall.  I am comfortable choosing between sports drink, cola, and gels on the run as my mood swings.

So, my plan was pretty simple.  Just Swim.  Keep transition simple. Ride easy, eyeballs on the meter…160 NP and no more.  Run the first half easy, easy, easy and find out what that meant….and then finish..

Race weekend

Due to work issues, Cynthia and I departed for Madison Friday morning.  We attended the 2:00 pm race briefing, went through check-in, met a friend for dinner, and retired to our hotel room, where I finished bike prep and put my stuff into the bags. We slept in Saturday morning, then drove the bike course. I checked in my bike and bags.  Barb and Craig Forney from Ames had decided to come up for the weekend, and we met them for a late lunch and then went to a movie and then dinner.  My eating plans were not entirely executed Saturday, but I managed to avoid a lot of protein and fiber.  I am sure Cynthia would say that I was pretty nuts when we got back to the hotel, but I felt like we went over the last minute stuff and burned off a little last minute jitters before going to bed.  I woke up almost hourly, so there was no need for an alarm for me to drink my two bottles of Naked Juice Smoothies at 1 am.

Craig and Barb drove us to the race site Sunday morning, and we found convenient parking just a few blocks away at about 5:00 am.  In fact, it was so close to transition that they took my bag to Special Needs area because it was out of the way for me to walk by there. 

I wanted to be alone with my thoughts most of the pre-race morning after we arrived.  Eventually, it was time to get the wetsuit on, and Cynthia met me to help with the very last preparation and dispose of the Dry Clothes bag.  We got a picture with the EN crew, and I headed over to the water entrance.



I was pretty confident in my race plan, or at least I knew there was not a better one.  So as I made my way to the water, I tried to think of nothing but the swim.  I entered the water a little before 6:45 and drifted to the center near the ski jump about at 3.5 on the photo here (which I stole from Facebook!).  I stayed 10-15 yards back of the starting line and just meditated a bit as I waited for the space to fill and the gun to start.  My swim goals were to stay straight, sight as little as possible, and keep my feet as high as possible.  (Anyone who knows my swimming knows the latter is an issue for me.)

I did not find the start to be terribly violent or crowded compared to some that I had done, but I did feel like there were an unusual of “immature” people who reacted stupidly to contact.  Within a few hundred yards, the melee had calmed down enough that I was able to start thinking more about my own technique, though there was still considerable contact for the first half of the swim.  I got into a pretty decent groove and was going 25 strokes (counting right arms) between sightings unless I got whacked or shoved.  I know it takes me about 27 strokes to make it across the 50 m LCM pool and I had been told the buoys were 100 m apart.

The first turn itself is always a crowded nightmare.  Moreover, people who went out too fast seemed to be suffering in the last couple hundred yards of the first long segment, making it worse.  I disliked the short segment after the first turn because I found it difficult to navigate straight into the sun.  After hitting the long segment, I mostly found things comfortable, but still ran into a lot of people that didn’t know how to behave. My only other significant observation about the course is that you can see the exit area almost immediately after the last turn…but you still have quite a ways to go.
When I stood up and saw 1:13:xx on my watch, I felt really good.  My race rehearsals with a buoy in the LCM pool had been 1:08:xx, so that time was well within “satisfying”.  (I swim faster with a buoy than without one…probably similar to using a wetsuit.)


I jogged up the helix, trying to compromise between not lollygagging and not throwing my HR way too high.  The only things in my T1 bag were shoes, socks, sunglasses, and helmet.  I put them all on and jogged out.  A volunteer promised to get all my stuff back into the bag. 
Some people will choose to keep their shoes off until the mount line, but I didn’t want to have to find a place to lean my bike after the mount line in the herd of crazies getting out.  I ran well past the mount line before getting on and starting the next part of my day.


  • Time 5:51 (a few minutes slower than previously)
  • NP 158, VI 1.098, TSS 288  (power lower than previously, VI higher, and TSS lower)
  • First half NP 160, Second half NP 157
  • P3 with one bottle between the arms and one in the rear. Tools in a bento.
  • For those who do not know, the course is a 16 mile “stick” out to a 40 mile loop that you do twice, before returning back on the same stick.


I should first address my ridiculously high VI.  I wish it had been a bit lower because I probably would have been a bit faster.  But it mostly derives from some segments that I simply have to ride over 200 W to get up steadily, and I chose to coast most of the time when I was going ≥35+ mph, especially if I was passing people.

In the last few years, I had developed into a reasonable biker and had done races only of the half distance and shorter.  I had gotten used to making some progress through the bike field even pretty early (perhaps due to wave starts, too).  At the start of this bike leg, I was aware of my fairly high heart rate from the swim and of some thirst, so I really, really took it easy for the first 20 minutes or so.  It really hurt watching so many people take off away from me, but I knew I needed to stick to the plan.  Still, I admit it pained me.

After we got onto the loop, many people were going up the hills considerably faster than me, while I would catch them going downhill or on the flat.  The bike course was very crowded for the first 30-40 miles, and I again sensed that there were a lot of people who were not very experienced.  There were many times when 3-4 people would ride abreast and I frequently had to brake while going downhill not because I wanted to, but because it was not safe to pass.  This probably did not cost me as much as I perceived, but it was frustrating. 

On the whole, I had no trouble getting through my fluid targets or getting new bottles from the volunteers at the aid stations. I needed to get two bottles at each one, and once or twice, I even got a third bottle (water) to get a quick drink of about half the bottle before tossing it at the end of the station.  They did a great job.

My major concern on the major hills was just learning a technique to keep my wattage down.  (My easiest gear was 34/26, and that was ok.)  I made a point of changing my stroke pattern when I had to over-power, including some standing up, but I still did my best to keep the power down.  Miles 40-45 were my highest power 5-mile segment of the entire ride at 182 W NP.  It was, of course, great to see Cynthia and our friends at Old Sauk, but as Rich Strauss says, I was trying not to “put on a show”.
At the half way point I made a pretty serious self assessment and tried to compare my feeling to half way through my training rides.  The first half had felt easier than training, but I was aware of some fatigue.  It was not bad, but it was not deniable either.  I resolved to hold exactly the same targets (160-170 W when on flats) but be more generous with myself about coasting and just not feel guilty about it.  I think this is reflected in the higher second half VI and lower NP. That said, the thinning of the crowd made it a lot easier for me to ride as I wanted to.  I was aware of several people that I was going back and forth with.  The universal uphill/downhill pattern held with all of them.

My next self-assessment checkpoint was the turn-off to the stick.  Yes, some wear on the quads was surely there, but I was very pleased with how good I felt.  I got up the one notable hill on the stick back and felt like I made progress through a LOT of people on the last 10-12 miles, which are predominantly flat or downhill.

My final test was that going up the helix was NO BIG DEAL.  I was really pleased.
A final couple of general comments: (1) it felt like there was a lot more motorcycle enforcement than usual; (2) I saw what seemed like a lot of people stopped on the side of the road.  The roads were in their usual lousy overall condition, but there was not a lot of gravel or rocks or anything of that sort. 

Start of bike: 55th in division and 717th overall; End of bike: 31 in division and 424 overall.


I quickly went inside, got my stuff, then found a chair.  I had only a number belt, hat, and running shoes.  It was very efficient, and a volunteer eventually came again to stash my bike stuff.  I put on the shoes and put the rest on while jogging out.  I paused long enough to get sunscreen on my neck and then dove into a portapotty for the  only time of the race.  Little did I know then that not peeing on the bike probably cost me the 11 hour barrier. Total T2 time was 4:22.


  • Total time 3:45:40
  • First half 1:48:30 (approx.) Second half 1:57 (approx.)

Like for everyone, the beginning of the run felt easy, and it was tempting to go too fast. I could have run a few miles at 7:00 pace. I really, really tried hard to go as slow as I could, but the first 5 miles were still faster than they should be, averaging about 8:10.  Starting about this mark, I started to take a few extra seconds at each aid station to ensure that I got enough fluid.  Again, it was being cautious, but I wanted to avoid crashing in the late miles due to dehydration.  I am not fussy about what liquid I get, though I tried to continue to get Perform frequently to ensure I got enough salt.  I got into a pattern eventually of getting one “special” thing at almost every station, that being ice in my hat, a gel, or extra water.  I took no other food (chips, pretzels, fruit, etc.).  

In those first 5 miles, I passed almost all the people I had been riding back and forth with that had finished ahead of me.  I swore to myself I didn’t want to see that get reversed in mile 15 or something.  My mantra over and over again was “very, very easy”.  I literally mumbled that over and over under my breath.  I managed to settle into my target pace of 8:30-8:40.

State Street the first time was awesome.  I remembered my first IM where I was not feeling well and I had to tell Cynthia I didn’t know how bad things were going to get. It was symbolically important to me to tell her this time I was feeling ok. 

It was also fun to see many teammates and friends either racing or cheering — throughout the whole run.  I cannot name everyone, and I will not try, but if you read this, please know how much I enjoyed hearing your words, even if I said nothing.  I was really having fun, but I am very bad at chatting on the run…I apologize.

As I got to Observatory hill the first time, I was NOT going to walk. Not one inch of it.  I remembered feeling weak here before and I did not want to be weak. It was probably not pretty, but I ran every step.

Does anyone hate that downhill immediately after Observatory as much as me?

By the time I hit the half-way point, I was aware that the race was getting harder.  I was slipping to 8:45s or so, but was still holding that when I hit State Street again.  I told Rich Strauss I was holding near 8:30 (which, in retrospect, wasn’t quite true) and he told me to back off – that there was still a ways to go. I probably would have ended up running about the same pace, but it made me feel good to know I was still doing ok and still had control over my race.  Having some real control during that second half of the run was a new experience for me, and it felt great. 

The only bad spot was on the way out to campus again. I got choked up thinking about Timothy, and it made me feel like I was having an asthma attack or something…wheezy and constricted.  But I knew he would not want me to break down now.  There would be time for that later.  I got over it.
Mile 18 came.  Yes, I was slipping to 9:00 miles, but I was doing ok.  I was NOT suffering unduly.  I could count them down now and I knew I could make it near my previous best no matter what happened.

The Observatory Hills came.  And I thought of Timothy again. How he liked hills.  How I made it up the first time.  How this mile would be slower than 9:00 but I was going to run.  Mathematically, I am not sure how much sense it makes to run very slowly up Observatory Hill, but emotionally I won the race right there.  Almost no one else was running.  Maybe they were the sensible ones, but I won.
After Observatory and the painful downhill that follows, I was just ticking off the wa almost anticlimactic.  I was not going to be running a whole lot faster, but I was not going to slow down much.  It was hard, but the really bad suck never came. My mile splits from 18 on were all around 9:00.  Somewhere in the last couple miles I saw Rich again and he lifted my spirits by telling me now just to bring it in the rest of the way. In my head I ran from mile 25 to 26 a little faster, but the reality of my Garmin split says otherwise.  With the finish in view, like everyone, I managed a final burst, running a 7:42 for the last third of a mile and finishing in 11:01:57.

Start of the run: 31st place AG, 424 overall.  End of the run 11th place AG, 217th overall.  3rd fastest run in the AG.

After the finish, I was pretty spent, just like everyone.  I needed to sit, but I knew I had succeeded and would not need medical.  I cried. I was met at the finish by Cynthia, the Forneys, and Karen Rosser, who was in town and stopped to see the end of the race.  It was really touching they were all there.  I don’t think I have ever got so many hugs at the end of a race. Rich joined us and congratulated me and we took lots of pictures all around.

Tim, this one’s for you.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Boston Marathon 2014 Race Report

April 21, 2014

Summary: 3:13:30, which was a PR by a bit over 1 minute. I could have been faster with a more conservative strategy, but I gambled and lost. I pulled of the aggressive approach early enough to still have a good race. No regrets. Age 49. Seed 9700, finish 4900.


I had a very good training season over the winter. In late October, 2013, I developed a bit of a degenerative Achilles tendonosis in both my heels, so I decided to keep the mileage down a bit by doing a run focus, but still biking a couple of times per week. By December, the weather deteriorated enough that the great majority of my training started being indoors. Nonetheless, I was running very well (probably faster than ever), and my heels were doing well.

My training plan, in retrospect, may have been a little heavy on the “work”. For purposes of this discussion, I will call race week “week 1”, the week from 8-14 days out from the race, “week 2”, and so on. The general schedule ran as follows:

  • Monday Run intervals. First half, these were VO2 runs; second half these were threshold runs
  • Tuesday Bike FTP intervals
  • Wednesday medium-long tempo run (evening)
  • Thursday easy run (morning) and Bike intervals (FTP or 110%)in the evening
  • Friday off
  • Saturday long run, often with some quality
  • Sunday easy bike/run brick of about 90 min total duration.
I did a 16 week segment, starting at 40 miles per week. I took the long runs up to where I did 4 x ≥20 mile runs. I had 6 weeks of at least 50 miles per week (the first being 10 weeks out) and one week of 60 miles (week 4). By weeks 8-10, it was clear that I was running pretty fast…I had a couple of sub-40 minute 10K segments in training.

In retrospect, I think I did a bit too much hard work on some ot the long runs. (Alternatively, I could have shortened them to 16-18 and kept the work, but I know from past experience that I do better with a few very long runs.) A second alternative would have been to drop the work from the bike intervals. By week 5 or so, the accumulation did get to me, and I dropped the intensity of the bike workouts. Otherwise I was in danger of having peaked way too early.

My last long run over 15 miles was 23 days before the race. To make a long story short, I made a serious error in judgment and ran in the wrong shoes. They were good quality shoes, but not my regular running shoes (and had a very different drop). The result of this was a different Achilles-related soft tissue injury in my right leg…this time much higher in the Achilles, so it was an acute injury, not the degenerative issue. (The good news on the degenerative issue is that it has been rehabbed and I have seen no further problems with it.) A couple of days later, the high Achilles injury didn’t feel too bad, and I (again foolishly) tested it with what was my last threshold workout. Pain developed throughtout that work out and did not subside easily.

Thus, with about 20 days to go, I completely pulled the plug on all running. I switched to pool running for the next 10 days or so, and then a mix of pool running and cycling for the last week or so before flying out to Boston. My Achilles felt fine with about a week to go before the race, but I was unwilling to risk putting any injury to it. I did do about 3 miles the day before the marathon, but that was my only test run before the race.

Goal Setting

Here is where I had a decision to make. Because of the way things broke, I didn’t have a great feel for how fast I could really go. I was too tired during weeks 4 and 5 out to have a great handle on it, and then the injury put a great mystery in. Nonetheless, I was unwilling to throw away a great training season, and I wanted to try for a great race.

I was confident I could go 3:10 or under, and I thought 3:05 was possible if I ignored the last 3 weeks. I made a conscious choice to see how close I could get to that 3:05 mark. That would require a 7:03-ish pace on average.

This was my second Boston. In 2010, I ran 3:16:40 on exactly even splits. In June 2013, I ran my PR of 3:14:40 in another even split race (with a great final 5K) at Grandma’s, so I felt like I knew how to run the conservative marathon, and hoped I could apply that knowledge to a more aggressive paced race.

Race Strategy

Boston can be divided into 4 segments:

  • The first 5 miles is pretty starkly downhill.
  • The next 11 miles are net flat, but undulate.
  • The Newton hills are net uphill from roughly the mile 16 to mile 21 markers. There are three hills here, the last of which is “Heartbreak Hill.” It is not excessively steep, but it is deadly because of when it is in the race.
  • The last 5 miles are net downhill, including some fairly steep sections, but also have undulations.
My strategy was simple. I wanted to run with as great of form as I could for the downhill and see if I was easily holding the average pace I needed. If so, I would try to hold it. I would reassess by mile 10 because I know how a marathon should feel at about miles 10, 13, and 16/17. I would ensure that nutrition was not an issue by taking a gel every 4 miles and doing a mixture of water and sports drink in between.

The Race

My first 5 miles were several seconds per mile too fast. I ran them at about 6:52 overall. I wasn’t feeling as smooth as I wanted to, but the speed was obviously there. For miles 6-10, I was somewhat unsuccessful in trying to smooth things out but move into the 7:05 range. I was still running a bit too fast (just under 7:00 on average). But worse, I just wasn’t as smooth as I wanted. In retrospect, I think this was the layoff, but I cannot prove it.

The morning was very comfortable in the grand scheme of things. The race started at about 60 degrees and with a wind that did not feel consequential. However, by that 5-10 mile segment, I became aware that I was pretty warm. I was unaware of other racers doing it much, but I began to douse myself with water at the aid stations to try to stay cool. As the race developed, I never felt that it was HOT, but I do think it warmed up to the point that it slowed a reasonable number of people a bit.

By the end of mile 10, I knew my legs didn’t feel right. I backed off some, but kept up an average pace under 7:10 through mile 16. At the half-way point, I knew my legs felt like they shouldn’t feel until 17-18 in one of my even split marathons. I knew I was in for a fairly rough second half. I resolved to take the hills at whatever pace came naturally going up, how ever slow, as long as I was running smoothly and just hang on the best I could. If I could run the downhills faster, that would be great. I glanced at my heart rate and saw a bad number.  I saw 170+ and knew that would mean I was going to be in for a bit of a rough time if I pushed hard much further.  That reinforced my decision to run the second half by RPE.

For several years, my running threshold HR was in the low 160s, but at the half-way point, I saw 170. Not good. By contrast, my Half-Way Heart Rate was about 155 at Grandma’s. In post race analysis, I saw that my Boston HR was already 165 by the end of mile 5. Oops. The graphics are shown below. (I do not know if the spikes between miles 5-10 are real.) The Boston trace looks flat, which might seem good, but it’s actually bad, because it is too high to begin with. The Grandma’s trace shows a constantly accelerating HR, but only up to the 170 region for the last few miles, where I was racing and doing the fastest 5K segment of the day.

Boston 2014 HR trace

Grandma's Marathon June 2013

Without dwelling too much on what happened in the second half of the race, the bottom line is that I slowed significantly. I had a total of 4 different mile segments at over 8:00. Obviously these were mostly the ones with hills. I knew I was pretty much running on guts, not on a good base, once the Newton Hills started. I saw 3:05 disappear and then 3:10. At that point, I was damn sure I wasn’t going to let this end badly and I was going to set a PR or collapse trying.

Even though I slowed this dramatically, I did not perceive that I was losing a lot of ground to the field. I must have, but I perceived that I was mainly being passed by young women, and I was gradually passing more people than passed me, even in the last 8 miles or so.

My Garmin records show that my heart rate stayed at a steady 169-170 bpm for the last half of the race. (Obviously the 212-49 formula is wrong…) I was working my butt off, despite running slowly. But I knew what I had done: the work, the training, the risks I took. I had no regrets, even during the race, for what I had tried. You only get so many chances for a great marathon. I took mine and hit a single or double, instead of a home run. I knew afterwards that I could have run probably 3:10 if I had run a race designed to run 3:10, but I had chosen to try for faster and I paid for it. But that’s ok. I am proud of the effort and was proud to cross the line.

The Atmosphere

One cannot have raced Boston 2014 without remarking about the atmosphere. Put simply, it was the most positive of any race I’ve been at. The crowds were great — both numerous and loud. The security guys that we knew about were friendly and helpful. There were more volunteers than I have ever seen. I am extremely glad that I did it and that I was there.

After Crossing the Line

After crossing the line, I was spent. The longest, hardest mile of the day may have been the walk from the finish line to the dry clothes pick up area. My quads were completely done, and I had been running on groin and hammies for a while. I had to ask someone to tie my shoes once I got my warmup pants on because I didn’t want to squat or balance on one leg.

Recovery would be fairly slow. I write this 3 weeks to the day from the race, and I am only in the last couple of days feeling like there is any oomph in my body at all. I took a week entirely off, and week 2 post-race was just swimming. Week 3 has been a mix of swim/bike/run, but nothing but easy efforts on the leg-demanding things. I finally felt like I was putting some effort into my swimming by late in the week, but objectively I am still swimming quite slowly – almost 10 seconds per hundred yard slower than my normal peak for the last few years. My easy running pace is back to normal, but I haven’t pushed any speed. My bike power is not back to normal yet either, but I am seeing improvements. Last year, I had a slowish sprint triathlon 6 weeks after Grandmas and a good one after another 4 more weeks. At that rate, I’ll be ready for Madison. J


A few thoughts about the Boston course for those planning on doing it

Having had some time now, I still feel good about what happened, but I feel like I owe others a few words of advice regarding the course. Boston is hard, but it is honest. It is NOT a ridiculous course. However, it is extremely unforgiving. Because of its geography, people like me who make “mistakes” in their pacing will pay for it late in the race more than any of the other courses I have run. (Des Moines, New York, Grandma’s, Wisconsin IM course). I underestimated the degree to which my plan was risky because I had done the course well a few years before. A key point is that even the flat parts of Boston just aren’t all that flat. The constant slight ups and downs put extra wear on you, as much as the famed downhill beginning. After my two races there, I now think the strategy I raced in 2010 is probably the best one, at least for me. In short, it boils down to knowing very realistically what pace can be averaged and going no faster than that for the first 5 miles or so. This is easy running if you’re smart about it. The “flat range” of miles 6-15 should be run just a smidge faster than the goal average time, so you can give a little bit back on the Newton Hills. Even though the last 5 are downhill, I think it is optimistic to think that anyone of normal ability will run significantly faster than his/her average pace overall to finish this particular race.

Another hint I have for others doing it for the first time is not to underestimate how uncomfortable it may be in the staging area. We were lucky, and it was still fairly wet, and reasonably cool. It is essential to bring some garbage bags for a dry place to sit (and/or for cover from wind/rain) and a variety of layers picked up from Goodwill or elsewhere that you should plan on leaving behind. Though there are many porta-potties, the wait can get long. If you are like me and drink a lot in race prep, you may as well get in line to go again almost as soon as you get out of line. Get in line for your last pre-race potty stop at least 30 minutes before you have to leave to staging area to make sure you get to go and get out of the area comfortably.