Saturday, March 21, 2009

Not exactly ready for IM yet.

As I write this, the temperature is 72 degrees outside and it's perfectly clear.

Nine hours ago, at 7:00 a.m., as I waited for the sun to rise, it was just as well that I didn't look to see the temp, which was about 38 degrees.  At least it wasn't windy when I set out for the first long outside ride for the day.  (Except on my face and my cold toes!)

Today, I covered between 75 and 80 mi in about 4:15.  Didn't have enough nutrition because I ran out of powder, but at least I had a chance for a big breakfast.  Well, by the time that last hour came around, it was pretty clear there was no marathon left in the legs if I had gone the full 112.  Actually, I don't think there was a marathon in the legs after 75.  Kept up the base and kept down the HR, but...

"Ran" about 3 mi afterwards.  Boy did that feel weirder than usual.  I couldn't believe it when I looked at the Garmin data afterwards and saw it was under 8 min/mi pace.  Sure felt weirder than that.

So, it's a good day because I was out there almost 5 hours, and I feel ok.  It's an educational day because I know there's a lot left to do.  And it's a good day, because there's still almost 6 months left. 

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