Thursday, October 1, 2009

Newtons, post Day-2

Tuesday was the first (3-mile) run on the Newtons.  Wednesday morning, my calves were sore, pretty much right in the middle of my leg, below the "meat" of the muscle and above the tendon junction.

Wednesday afternoon, I went for another 3 mile run. "Torture" would be strong, but it was relatively painful, exactly where the calves were hurting.  Toward the end, I did have to focus to hold the form.  This did not seem too good...  Running more slowly would have been worse, so the pace held at a little over 8 minute miles.  I'm not trying to go fast at all, but I have to be at some minimum speed right now for this to work.

The wear pattern on the shoe so far is on the front of the middle two lugs.  Obviously there's not much wear at all, but that's basically the only place you can see much of anything.

Today, Thursday, it's raining.  The first few steps this morning I still felt the calves, and walking downstairs was a bit of a challenge.  By midday, the pain in the left one has more or less resolved, although that part of the muscle still feels fatigued.  The right one still hurts a bit.  No run today (swam instead).  Gotta heal up a bit before giving it another go.

I must say that, while I wouldn't yet call this a long adjustment period, I'm surprised at the intensity of it.

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