Thursday, May 14, 2009

New England and marriage

New Hampshire is now in the marriage equality camp, joining Maine as states that passed it through legislative action.  Terrific.  Most of New England now.  Even New York, where outside of the city, it's pretty conservative, is considering a legislative change for marriage equality.  (Gov. Patterson is not especially popular, and I am not that optimistic that this will ultimately pass, but at least it's on the table.)

Is it a coincidence that these are the places that used to have moderate-to-liberal Republicans, and that most have been purged from the party?  I think not.  When Republicans are in the clear minority, and only appealing to their "base", then everyone else can choose not to worry about the "base" Republican position as much.  This is an oversimplification, but I would not be surprised if it happens elsewhere in the country for a while if the Republicans continue their current "purification" trend.

The senators from Maine are an interesting exception.  I wish I knew enough about the politics of Maine to know how they survive.

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