Friday, January 2, 2009

Base 1.

I'm old enough that I train on a 3 week cycle instead of the traditional 4 week cycle.  That means 16 days "on" and 5 days recovery (low volume), instead of 3 weeks/1 week.  My 5 day recovery cycle means a business week of low volume, and then I can come back with something longer on the weekend.

This past week has been my first rest week since I formally started my program to get to IM Moo.  I have a 6 week "Base 1" cycle, followed by a 6 week "Base 2" cycle that will take me into early March.  If these terms don't mean anything, a good place to look is Joe Friel's The Triathlete's Training Bible.  Basically, this is a pretty low intensity time, meant to build strength and basic endurance.  It's "training to train", as opposed to training for the race just now.

Anyway, the good news is that by about Wed or Thu, I felt ready to go again. Still taking the full 5 days.  Don't want be great in April and burnt out in August.

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