Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ironman recovery, part 2

As of this writing, I am 2 weeks and 3 days out from the IM race.

As I noted before, I took about a complete week totally off. Week two consisted of a few easy hour-long bikes, with one a little harder, and a few 45-minute (or so) easy runs, plus a swim. I felt good during this week, save that there was definitely an upper limit on how hard I felt like I could go. The level of fatigue felt a lot like being in the middle part of the race, i.e., tired, but not just waxed. There were safe upper limits that I didn't feel like exceeding anyway.

At the beginning of week 3, I got another wave of fatigue. I've been sleeping like a bear in winter (or at least wanting to) pretty consistently, but Monday, I just felt like I really needed the rest and took a total day off. Yesterday, Tuesday, I was unenthused, but as soon as I got out the door, I felt good.

I am still clearly not fully recovered. I want to do well in the spring, so I'm taking it easy until I'm ready to go. Hoping that's 4 weeks. We'll see.


LittleRachet said...

My coach has told me I will take 2 months off before returning to training. Don't try to return too soon, or your spring aspirations may fall short.

William Jenks said...

Fair enough. But there's a difference between significant training and returning to fairly easy aerobic activity. Although I'm writing this with another week's distance from it, I do and did feel ok about getting back into some very easy sanity-maintaining efforts. All I'm doing now is avoiding putting roots into my desk chair, in terms of effort. And that's both sensible from an end-of-season perspective and the IM perspective. Keep me honest, but I'm not going anywhere fast and you won't catch me having gone very far either. :-)